Flower & Veggie Plant Fundraiser
You can choose from 10" hanging baskets, 4" potted plants, full flats, and a select number of items in smaller packs. Gift certificates in increments of $10 each are also available. They can be used anywhere on Janoski's farm.
All flats contain 8 packs, each pack contains 4 or 6 plants (so each flat will contain 32 or 48 plants)
The following items can be ordered by the pack: marigolds, pansies, impatiens (mixed only), peppers and tomatoes.
Janoski's cannot guarantee colors and may need to substitute colors.
Orders and payment in full are due by April 23rd.
Pickup will be at the church on Saturday, May 8th. There will be help available to load your car.
If you have questions, please contact Lori at mrsrcrx@comcast.net.
Place Your Order Using Either Option Below
Click here to place your order online
You do not need a PayPal account to pay online